eHealth Management system

iMoSyS implemented a state of the art software system for the National TB Control Program of the Ministry of Health. The project is being implemented in 20 health facilities in all the three regions of Malawi.
The system is able to collect data and track information related to TB cases directly from community level all the way up to the Ministry Headquarters.
Through the eHealth Management System, we are able to provide feedback to TB patient or community volunteers through automatically generated Short Message Services (SMS) immediately either after laboratory results are out or when the patient’s next appointment date is closer.
We seek to transform health care practices and workflows through computerized information and decision-making systems that facilitate and coordinate the care of patients in Malawi. Aside from the TB eHealth system that aids sample tracking, diagnosis and treatment built on top of a database of doctors, patients, health facilities and laboratories, we have been able to quickly react to the COVID-19 outbreak in Malawi by shifting our production to manufacturing face shields for donation to frontline health workers.