TB eHealth System

iMoSyS works in eHealth to improve Health Care delivery in Malawi. iMoSyS seeks to transform health care practices and work flows through computerized information and decision-making systems that facilitate and coordinate the care of patients in Malawi.

Automatic sms alerts/notifications are utilized to improve efficiency on notification of laboratory test results for new patients and next appointment dates for existing patients, as well as an SMS being automatically sent to remind the patients of medication or follow-up sputum sample in the case of TB patients.

iMoSyS enhanced the existing system to enable tracking of the flow of TB samples from the community level up to point of treatment initiation.

The system is able to collect data related to TB cases directly from community level all the way up to the Ministry Headquarters.

This tracking of samples is made possible through an android mobile app than scans samples via the camera, and uploads the data to a central database.