Water Management System

iMoSyS works in Water Management Systems to develop novel, robust, practical techniques and tools to optimize efficiency and customer service.

Through dynamic control or water systems, iMoSyS brings new understanding of how engineering design, planning and management of complex water systems can be improved by creating a visual analytics optimization approach.

This approach integrates human expertise, IT infrastructure (cloud/parallel computing) and state-of-the-art optimization techniques to develop highly optimal, engineering intuitive solutions for the water industry in Malawi and across the globe.

System Key Benefits

  • Easy access to remote tank water levels from anywhere through the use of internet

  • Effortless generation of water usage and production reports.
  • Alerts through SMS or email to particular technical personnel when critical levels are attained.

  • Clear verification on the adequacy of water to meet demand.

  • Peace of mind provided by instant alarm notifications.

  • Readily available data for decision making, service and maintenance planning.